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MXOne - Firefighting Turbine

Innovative fire protection using water mist

Minimax MXOne Firefighting Turbine side profile view
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Next generation fire fighting

The Minimax MXOne high-per­form­ance fire­fight­ing tur­bine rep­res­ents a new gen­er­a­tion of sta­tion­ary fire pro­tec­tion sys­tems. This unique sys­tem has a 360° op­er­at­ing range and en­ables the highly pre­cise, tar­geted use of water mist from a safe and great dis­tance. With full jet, it reaches a dis­charge range of up to 262ft.

Minimax MXOne powering up and spraying water


Ef­fi­cient fire pro­tec­tion – from water mist to full jet mode. An ideal solution for many areas of application.


Spray mode during operation can be adapted to the fire scenario and fire load


A gentle extinguishing water feed prevents burning material from spreading


Water mist mode reduces the quantity of water required as a result of the cooling and extinguishing effect


Low scattering loss and high range even with a flat setting angle


Quick to rise and tilt with per­man­ent con­trol of po­s­i­tion­ing with 360° ro­ta­tion for max­imum flex­ib­il­ity.


Ro­ta­tion range means all-round cov­er­age


Fast ro­ta­tion and pre­cise angle ad­just­ment


In­fin­itely vari­able nav­ig­a­tion: tilt­ing angle from -19° to +43°


Po­s­i­tion sensors in­dic­ate the exact align­ment of the tur­bine on the con­trol panel

Skid mounted Minimax MXOne spraying water
Minimax MXOne spraying water mist


The con­trol and align­ment of the MXOne can be performed automatically or manually. Upon start-up, the MXOne can be placed in an oscillation pattern to protect pre-defined areas. The MXOne also has on-board and remote control capability allowing for full function manual control of the unit from a distance up to 300' away.  The feature allows the operator to control the MXOne from a location that provides the best vantage point or safest distance possible.

Minimax MXOne side profile view

Nozzle ring


Max flow rate 4,000 l/min


Rotation angle 360°


Fully automatic or manual control


Summer and winter operation 5°F to 131°F (-15°C to +55°C)


Operating pressure 58 to 232 psi (4 to 16 bar)


Water connection 5N (DN125)


Propeller power 12.5kW at 2,910 rpm


Weight 2,083 lbs (945 kg)


Configurations: nozzle head (water mist) or jet pipe (spray jet)


LED lightning (2 x 3,000 lumen)


Tilting angle -19° to +43°


Power connection 400 V/50 Hz

Installation Alternatives

The MXOne can be configured in multiple ways.  While the MXOne can be purchased as an independent unit for integration into your facility, we also provide some pre-configured applications. Our skid and mobile units can include an onboard power source (36KW diesel generator) with the necessary piping manifold to accommodate standard fire department connections. Both of these options can also be provided with water driven foam proportioning pumps to facilitate the use of foam with the MXOne. See below for more details.

Rendering of the Minimax MXOne trailer mounted version
Rendering of the Minimax MXOne skid mounted version

Mo­bile in­stall­a­tion with onboard diesel generator

The MXOne is mounted on triple axel trailer and includes a 36KW diesel generator, water inlet header with (2) 5" Storz connections and (2) 2-1/2" hose connections, and (150') of 5" hose on (3) spools.  Trailer can be configured for either water or foam/water use. com. Trailer cann be configured with a retractable tarp to protect the MXOne from harsh conditions or travel.

Skid Mounted unit with onboard diesel generator

The MXOne is mounted on a skid that includes a 36KW diesel generator, water inlet header with (2) 5" Storz connections and (2) 2-1/2" hose connections. Skid can be configured with a retractable tarp to protect the MXOne from harsh conditions.

Demo Anchor

Areas of Use

Typ­ical re­quire­ments for sys­tems to be used in harsh, in­dus­trial en­vir­on­ments: Re­si­li­ence, re­li­ab­il­ity and ef­fi­ciency. MXOne fully meets these require­ments and, des­pite its ro­bust design, is easy to op­er­ate and re­quires little main­ten­ance. The ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem can be used in areas with an am­bi­ent tem­per­at­ure of -15° to 55° C.

  • External and internal storage areas

  • Aircraft hangars or heliports

  • Tanks with flammable liquids or bulk materials

  • Protection and cooling of adjacent areas

  • Material loading and unloading stations

  • Substations and transformers

  • Tunnels

MXOne - Tank Protection

The MXOne provides exceptional performance against tank and flammable liquid hazards when combined with foam. The MXOne can be configured with a water-driven foam pump allowing for fast deployment with reliable and accurate proportioning onboard.

Railcar and Fuel Terminals

The MXOne provides the ability to protect complex hazards with both water or foam from greater distances. The MXOne is designed to maximized the amount of water or foam being delivered to the hazard and, when combined with the remote control capabilities, allows responders to be further from the hazard than conventional technology.


The ef­fect­ive­ness of MXOne has been ex­tens­ively tested for li­quid fires, ker­osene, plastic waste and wood and con­firmed by ac­cred­ited and in­de­pend­ent fire pro­tec­tion cer­ti­fic­a­tion bod­ies such as DMT, MPA Dresden and Flame­Cert. Additional listings are pending and will be available in 2024.

DMT Group logo
MPA Dresden logo


MXOne - Firefighting Turbine

Data Sheet

MXOne - Quick Overview


Minimax Anchor

About Firetrol Protection Systems

Firetrol Protection Systems is a leading fire protection, life safety and security provider with turnkey services including design, installation, inspection and repair / maintenance services.

Founded in 1984, Firetrol has been serving the needs of its customers in ever expanding ways. With district offices throughout the Southern United States, Firetrol employs one of the industry’s largest and most experienced staffs of engineers, designers, project managers, installers, technicians and inspectors. Within our markets, we are the industry leader in the protection of life and property. ​Firetrol Protection Systems is a subsidiary of Minimax-Viking. For more than 110 years Minimax has been a premier fire protection brand whom today employs over 9300 people worldwide with annual revenues exceeding US$2bn.

Man using a computer aided design program

Design and Configuration Services

Understanding your needs is the first step in providing a solution that integrates into your operation efficiently and affordably. While the MXOne provides solutions to a number of unique challenges in the fire industry, some may require customization beyond the standard mobile or stationary options already outlined. Our design and engineering team is available to assist with planning, budgeting and successful integration of the MXOne as part of your facilities protection program or response operations. 

Delivery and Installation

Once the goals are defined, the success of a project can often be ascribed to two factors, the safe execution of the work and clear communication between the project teams. To achieve these, we have dedicated personnel to consult, design, install, manage and commission the MXOne safely and efficiently. From the initial order to final commissioning, our delivery team will continuously work with your team to define delivery timelines, commissioning requirements and training to ensure that the MXOne is ready to perfrom for your team. 

Technician installing a Minimax MXOne
Technician inspecting a Minimax MXOne control panel

Inspection and Maintenance

The MXOne is required to be inspected, maintained and serviced by licensed and/or factory-certified personnel in accordance with national and local codes, authorities having jurisdiction, underwriters and other regulatory authorities. Our network of licensed and certified inspectors and technicians provide the inspections, maintenance, repairs, and documentation necessary to satisfy regulatory requirements and provide peace of mind that your MXOne is working as intended. These services are vital to the successful perfromance of the MXOne and a 5-year inspection and maintenance program is included as part of every purchase agreement.

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